Manage Tokens

Step-by-step guide on how to manage the tokens that you have created.

The manage contract section is divided into different tabs: ACTIONS - TOKENS - CODE - SOURCES which contain different information and features. Let’s deep into them 🤓


In this section, you will find a list of all the readable and writable actions available to manage your contract.

I know you are thinking: How can I execute an action 🤔? It’s very easy!

If you want to execute a writable action:

  1. Click on the action you want to execute in the Write section.

  2. Fill the fields with valid data.

  3. Click on the Execute button.

  4. Metamask pop-up will be opened.

  5. Confirm the transaction on Metamask.

  6. You will see a loading icon on the Execute button while the transaction is executed on the blockchain.

  7. You will see the transaction information in the output field when the transaction is done! (If it fails, a red error message will be displayed)

If you want to execute a readable action:

  1. Click on the action you want to execute in the Read section.

  2. Fill the fields with valid data (if applies)

  3. Click on the Run button.

  4. You will see the result on the output field!

Which actions are available?

Depending on the type of contract the following actions may vary:

Writable actions

APPROVE: Sets the given "amount" as the allowance of "spender" over the caller’s tokens.

BURN TOKENS: Destroys the given "amount" of tokens from the caller, reducing the total supply.

BURN FROM: Destroys the given "amount" of tokens from the "account", deducting from the caller's allowance.

DECREASE ALLOWANCE: Atomically decreases the allowance granted to the "spender" by the caller.

DELEGATE: Delegate votes from the sender to the "delegatee".

DELEGATE BY SIGNATURE: Delegate votes from the sender to the "delegatee".

FLASH LOAN: Performs a flash loan. New tokens are minted and sent to the given "receiver".

GRANT ROLE: Grants the given "role" to the "account".

INCREASE ALLOWANCE: Atomically increases the allowance granted to the "spender" by the caller.

MINT: Creates the given "amount" of tokens and assigns them to the "account", increasing the total supply.

PAUSE: Pauses all token transfers

PERMIT: Allows a spender to move funds from a user's wallet by having the user sign an approval message

RENOUNCE ROLE: Revokes the given "role" from the calling account.

REVOKE ROLE: Revokes the given "role" from the "account".

SNAPSHOT: Creates a new snapshot and returns its id.

TRANSFER: Moves the "amount" of tokens from the caller to the "recipient".

TRANSFER FROM: Moves the "amount" of tokens from the "sender" to the "recipient".

UNPAUSE: Unpauses all token transfers.

AUTHORIZE OPERATOR: Make the given "account" an operator of the caller.

OPERATOR BURN: Destoys the "amount" of tokens from the given "account", reducing the total supply. The caller must be an operator of the "account".

REVOKE OPERATOR: Removes the given "account" as an operator of the caller.

SEND: Moves the "amount" of tokens from the caller's account to the given "recipient".

TRANSFER FROM: Moves the "amount" of tokens from the "holder" to the "recipient".

Readable actions

DEFAULT ADMIN ROLE: Default admin role for all roles.

DOMAIN SEPARATOR: Returns a domain separator for use in permit.

MINTER ROLE: Returns the role that can wrap tokens.

PAUSER ROLE: Returns the role that pauses/unpauses all token transfers.

SNAPSHOT ROLE: Returns the role that can create snapshots.

ALLOWANCE: Returns the remaining number of tokens that the "spender" will be allowed to spend on behalf of the "owner".

BALANCE OF: Returns the number of tokens owned by the given "account".

BALANCE OF AT: Retrieves the balance of the "Account" at the time the "Snapshot Id" was created

CHECKPOINTS: Get the checkpoint at the given position.

DECIMALS: Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation.

DELEGATES: Get the address to the given "account" that is currently delegating to.

FLASH FEE: Returns the fee applied when doing flash loans.

PAST TOTAL SUPPLY: Retrieve the totalSupply at the end of the "blockNumber".

Note, this value is the sum of all balances. It is but NOT the sum of all the delegated votes!

PAST VOTES: Retrieve the number of votes for the given "account" at the end of the "blockNumber".

ROLE ADMIN: Returns the admin role that controls the specified "role".

GET VOTES: Gets the current votes balance for the given "account".

HAS ROLE?: Returns whether the "account" has been granted the given "role".

MAX FLASH LOAN: Returns the maximum amount of tokens available for loan

NAME: Returns the name of the token.

NONCES: ​​Number of transactions of the given "address".

NUMBER OF CHECKPOINTS: Get the number of checkpoints for the "account".

PAUSED: Returns whether the token transfer is paused.

SUPPORTS INTERFACE?: Returns whether this contract implements the interface defined by the given "interfaceId".

SYMBOL: Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the name.

TOTAL SUPPLY: Returns the number of tokens in existence.

TOTAL SUPPLY AT: Retrieves the total supply at the time snapshotId was created.

DEFAULT OPERATORS: Returns the list of default operators. These accounts are operators for all token holders.

GRANULARITY:Returns the smallest part of the token that is not divisible. This means all token operations (creation, movement, and destruction) must have amounts that are a multiple of this number. For most token contracts, this value will equal 1.

IS OPERATOR FOR: Returns true if the given "operator" is an operator of the given "tokenHolder". Operators can send and burn tokens on behalf of their owners. All accounts are their own operator.


In this tab, you will find the most common actions to manage your contract, so that you can find and execute them in a simpler way.

These actions are Mint, Transfer, and Burn tokens.

Execute them from this tab is very simple:

  1. Click on the action that you want to execute.

  2. When the pop-up is opened, complete the field/s and click on the Accept button.

  3. Metamask pop-up will be opened.

  4. Confirm the transaction on Metamask.

  5. Wait until the transaction is done, a success message will appear on the pop-up!

Last updated