Add Test Tokens to MetaMask

Step-by-step guide on how to add test tokens to a MetaMask wallet

Installing MetaMask

If you haven't installed MetaMask already, our step-by-step guide will help you do so.

Test Tokens

Test tokens are of no real value and are for testing purposes only.

Steps to Add Test Tokens to MetaMask:

  1. Go to MetaMask

  2. Go to Assets and click on Import Tokens

  3. In the field Token Contract Address put the address of the test token

The Token Contract Address depends on the blockchain network.

Goerli: 0x17547b26cf5DD3C73a62047C9A74d9cEaAe323Ed

Sepolia: 0x4516125e745218f3634e030d7ae6aC98C02394c2

BSC Testnet: 0x15771bE6175a305abaf08E3B5bE458aa97Ab23A6

  1. Token Symbol and Token Decimal will be filled automatically

  2. Click on the Add Custom Token button to add the token to your wallet

Congratulations! 🎉 You successfully added test tokens to your MetaMask wallet.

Tip: Check out our User Guides to see what other awesome things you can do with FlexSmart.

Last updated