Create Escrow Smart Contract

Step-by-step guide on how to create an Escrow Smart Contract and deploy it to the blockchain network of choice

FlexSmart's Escrow Smart Contract Template provides a secure and reliable way to facilitate trustless transactions between parties using blockchain technology to create transparent and immutable records.

Don't worry if you lack blockchain experience, creating an escrow smart contract with FlexSmart is effortless.

Get Started: Use the FlexSmart platform to create your own Escrow Smart Contract.

Steps to Create an Escrow Smart Contract:

  1. Click on the Escrow option present on the left main menu

  2. Click on the Create New Escrow button on the Escrow landing page

  3. You will be redirected to the Escrow Form where you have to complete the following information:

    1. Description: Description of the item for which the escrow contract is created

    2. Network: The network in which you want to deploy the escrow

    3. Seller’s Email: By default this field is prepopulated with the email of the person that is creating the escrow contract

If you are not the seller, ask the seller to create the Escrow Smart Contract and add you as the buyer or arbiter.

4. Seller’s Address: The blockchain address of the seller

5. Buyer’s Email: Email address of the buyer

6. Buyer’s Address: The blockchain address of the buyer

7. ERC20 Contract Token: The currency that will be used to send funds to the contract

8. Contract Amount: The amount of the escrow contract

9. Arbiter’s Email: Email of the arbiter

10. Arbiter’s Percentage: The percentage that the arbiter will receive

11. Arbiter’s Address: The blockchain address of the arbiter

12. Auto-release Wait Days: Amount of days before auto-release occurs

  1. Once all the fields are completed, click on the Review button

  2. You will be redirected to a Review Page where you can review the information input on the previous page

  3. If the information is incorrect, click on the Back button to modify it. If the information is correct, click on the Deploy Escrow button to deploy your contract

  4. Open the MetaMask pop-up to Confirm the transaction

  5. Success message appears

Congratulations, your Escrow Smart Contract is deployed! 🥳 Next, learn how to manage your Escrow Smart Contract.

Last updated